Key Issues Waltham's Education System Faces

Project-based, Experiential Learning Curriculum

Research shows that people learn best through hands-on experience. Our curriculum is built on units with wonderful themes, especially the social themes as students transition to middle and high school. Though there are big ideas and what students will experience in their learning, the curriculum lacks actual experience that connects them and makes the ideas more relevant to the students. I will work to help integrate more project-based learning, like the 8th grade civics projects, into the curriculum for better student outcomes.

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Early Second Language Acquisition

Studies have shown that the earlier a child/student is exposed to other languages, the more receptive they will be to learning the language. We are building a new state-of-the-art high school. We should also be building a state-of-the-art education for our students, which includes starting a foreign language in kindergarten, to set them up for success in our multicultural global community.

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Physical Wellness

Waltham youth need to be allowed to exercise and play. But physical wellness is not just about gym class. It's also about feeling safe in their physical space.

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Mental Health

Waltham students and staff work hard to meet rigorous and demanding expectations. Student mental well-being, having a safe space to be themselves, is key to their learning. With constant transitions, high academic and social expectations, students need to be allowed time to decompress, just as adults do.

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Waltham Dual Language School

The Waltham Dual Language School is a two-way immersion program where 50% of the students have English as their native language and the other 50% have Spanish as their native language. Our program runs on a lottery that currently chooses 40 students (2 sections) of kindergarteners. The location of the WDL is 510 Moody Street. It shares the building with the Waltham Recreation Center and the Waltham Family School, both wonderful assets to our diverse city. However, the WDL is growing out of its space in the building and needs to find a permanent location to expand to a 4-section per grade program.

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Transparency & Accountability

As a community, we need to know what is happening behind the scenes to ensure that our children have a bright future when they graduate from our school system.

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Every Waltham student and their families have a right to high-quality education. To achieve this goal, they need access to the necessary resources, no matter the ward or demographics, including transportation, and safe learning space. Sharing resources within our school system does not mean taking away from any other student. It means we spread the wealth to those that need it more to achieve the high quality education every student in Waltham deserves. We can all rise together.

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Parental and Community Engagement

Parents often have questions about their student's school and how the town's school system is run. Many parents do not even know to which school their child(ren) are supposed to go. Information is hard to find online. Parents have to call during the Parent Information Center office hours to find their answers.

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